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Whale Watch Cruise

Our bookings are now closed for the season


We will resume bookings approximately beginning to mid November when the Humpbacks return.


Experience this sensational once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view humpback whales in their natural habitat as they migrate annually from the frigid Alaskan waters back to the warm waters of Hawaii.


This breathtaking experience offers first-hand whale sightings on this 90 minute journey off the shores of Waikiki.  Nature is a brilliant masterpiece and work of art and while this ocean cruise navigates near these majestic mammals, it is our utmost responsibility to respect nature and the laws of the land as we observe what it has to offer.  Bring your cameras as you observe the whales as they play, breach, sing and more!!!  This 90 minute excursion includes complementary snacks, soft drinks and water. 


Our experienced Captain is a Marine biologist, avid ocean conservationist will narrate throughout the tour about these majestic mammals and other local marine life. 





Capacity Min 3 ppl / Max 6 ppl


Humpback whale waves tail at guests after breaching
Humpback Whale swims past boat
Watching  humpback whale Breach

Every winter, the waters surrounding Oahu transform into a stage for one of nature's most awe-inspiring spectacles—the migration of humpback whales. These majestic marine giants, measuring up to 50 feet in length and weighing as much as 40 tons, journey thousands of miles from their Arctic feeding grounds to the warm and sheltered Hawaiian waters. The purpose of this migration is twofold: to give birth and nurse their calves in the protected bays, and to engage in elaborate courtship rituals.


Arriving typically between November and April, humpback whales grace Oahu's shores with their colossal presence. The shallow, crystal-clear waters create an ideal sanctuary for the newborn calves, providing safety from predators during their crucial early stages of life. The tranquil bays, including the waters around Maui, become vibrant theaters of courtship, where males showcase breathtaking breaches, tail slaps, and mesmerizing songs to attract potential mates.


The humpback whale migration to Oahu offers a unique opportunity for residents and visitors alike to witness these gentle giants in their natural habitat. Whale watching excursions abound, allowing observers to marvel at the acrobatic displays and hear the haunting melodies of these magnificent creatures, creating lasting memories of the annual pilgrimage to Hawaii's welcoming waters.

Humpback Whale waves
Taking Photos as Humpback Whale swims alongside boat during whale watch cruise
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